Thursday, October 18, 2007

The second link is up! I hate, hate hate the bibliography section of any paper and with this tool Alex found, it's never been easier. The service is free or you can sign up for $8/year to have an account you can save directly to instead of an odd combination you have to keep going back to.

Personally, my research isn't going too well but next Tuesday I will have finalized my Thesis Proposal and have a good idea of how to begin. I'm still going to try to hit 85 pages though! This is an exciting project and I can't wait to see how it helps lessen some of the stress Spring quarter will inevitably bring.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Fun with HTML

I've added a "Tools" sidebar to the blog. The first link is to Writertopia for a "word progress meter" if you're interested in seeing what percentage you're at towards your goal. Let me know if you have any trouble configuring it to your goal.